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Branson Russian comedian Yakov Smirnoff |
In 2009 Branson is celebrating 50 years of live music shows. An earlier article entitled “Live music shows are Branson’s entertainment heart” asked the question “Who could have known back in 1959 that when the Mabe family started performing their country music variety show called the “Baldknobbers Jamboree,” in a small 50 seat basement room in the Branson Community Center, the show would still be going 50 years later?”
The article went on to state, “If, in 1959, someone had said, ‘50 years from now people will be coming from all over the world to see live music shows in Branson’ they would have been laughed at. Well, no one’s laughing now.” In retrospect, that last statement is wrong because lots of people are laughing in Branson shows today and for the same reason they were laughing in 1959, great comedy.
The two shows that pioneered what has become the “Live music show capital of the world,” Branson’s first show the “Baldknobbers Jamboree” and its first show on the strip, “Presleys’ Country Jubilee” were, from their very beginnings, based on a simple format containing two major elements, music and comedy. Comedy was part of the original foundation upon which two of Branson’s longest running shows were built and is no less important to those shows today than it was then.
In fact, it appears comedy is a consideration for a lot of people when they are making decisions about which Branson show to see. Paul Miller, General Manager, Branson Tourism Center, who sells more theatre seats to more shows than any other business in Branson, said that when people are deciding what shows to see, in a lot of cases, comedy is a major factor in making the decision
The good news is that, as it has been from the very beginning, good clean family comedy is still an important major element in Branson shows. It is not only available, but it is available in a lot of varied formats and venues.
Although the type of comedy changes from show to show, the original “Baldknobber” “Presleys’” variety format of having a strong musical element blended with great comedy designed to hold the interest of adults and kids alike is as popular today as it was 50 years ago. From a familial perspective, the original Ozark comedy and characters such as “Herikmer” and “Cecil” at “Presleys’ Country Jubilee” or Droopy Drawers, Jr. at the “Baldknobbers Jamboree” provide one type of comedy using that format and comedian Jim Stafford yet another type using the same format.
Perhaps not as well known as those mentioned above but providing major comedy elements as part of a musical variety show, each with their own different comedic style, would be comedians such as Joey Riley, appearing in the “Mickey Gilley Show,” Jarrett Dougherty with the “Pierce Arrow Show” and Perry Edenburn with the “Branson Brothers Show.” The comedy of ventriloquist comedians such as Todd Oliver with the “Show Stoppers” on the Show Boat Branson Belle and Jim Barber of the “Hamner Barber Variety Show” provide yet another source of laughter for Branson show goers.
When one considers the unique comedy of Yakov Smirnoff, Tom Mullica’s Red Skelton Tribute or shows like the “Comedy Jamboree,” “Circle B Chuckwagon,” “Grand Jubilee,” “Branson Country USA,” “Bob Nelson,” and “Paul Harris Live” to mention just a few, it is hard to imagine a destination city that has more live shows with opportunities for family laughter and fun than in Branson. Laughter and comedy have been a part of the Branson’s show genes every since the beginning and will remain an important part of the entertainment experience that makes Branson so special.