Branson’s Cassandre’ is a wonderful musical entertainment experience

Cassandre’ performing one of her stunning vocals.

A recent article published on line at entitled “Cassandre’ and orchestra – continue Branson’s live music tradition in ‘angelic’ fashion,” noted that one of Branson’s newest shows, “Cassandre’ The Voice of An Angel,” is rich in the 50 year live music tradition that Branson is celebrating this year. The show features a nine person orchestra, the amazing vocals and stage personality of Cassandre’ Faimon-Haygood, and the comedy furnished by Cassandre’s alter ego, the voluptuous and very funny, “Aunt Erma.”

While acknowledging that the term “choreography” is normally used regarding dancing, the article explains why its use is appropriate to describe the arranging and creativity involved with this show. In an interesting twist, different elements of the orchestra are choreographed into Cassandre’s vocal performances to create a unique, beautiful and memorable musical entertainment experience unlike anything else in Branson.

Excerpts from the article:

The result is a personable, beautiful, funny and entertaining show that truly exemplifies the very heart beat of live music through its rich orchestrations and powerful vocals.
It is obvious that a lot of thought has gone into the presentation of each number and how to best combine the vocal talents of Casssandre’ with the musicianship of the orchestra into a wonderful musical entertainment gem.

Cassandre’ is a top-notch vocalist …with a voice so flawless and a performance so effortless and compelling it is no wonder that watching her sing makes for a surreal theatrical experience! She is truly an enchanting soprano whose angelic voice can scale operatic heights, belt out Broadway hits, touch you with gospel inspiration, and rework pop classics in just the right balance!

If you love beautiful singing accompanied by a wonderful orchestra and want to have a laugh or two along the way you don’t want to miss this show.

Click here for the entire article.

About Gary Groman aka The Ole Seagull

Editor of The Branson Courier
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