Fishing Report- Lake Taneycomo August 15, 2004

Editors General Comments: Very little affects the fishing on LakeTaneycomo like the generation of power at the Table Rock Dam. Call 417-336-5083 for up to the moment information on generation and lake levels or click here. August 15- At 0725- 1 generator(s) on, Table Rock is at 916.0 and Taneycomo at 704.3.

Trophy Trout Area: Special Regulations apply to the Trophy Trout Area running from Table Rock Dam to the mouth of Fall Creek. Click here for an overview of these regulations.

Fly Fishing Only by River Run Outfitters (Dam to Fall Creek)- Aug 18-Saturday and Sunday were dry fly days as soon as the water dropped to tailwater normal. Hitting the banks with hopper patterns, Humpies and caddis. Saturday did best on a yellow bodied hopper cast right up near the bank just above fish rising. Didn’t catch anything under 16 inches and several in the 18-20 inch range. Sunday the color was red. Did well on red Humpies or a hopper with a red body. Also did well both Saturday and Sunday with the green holographic crackle back. Fish were taking it both on the drift as well as the strip. Monday, a black body caddis, size 16 was the ticket. Did catch a few on a yellow Humpy but they seemed to take the smaller caddis best. Yesterday morning was tough. Had two boats out and they fished everything. Finally started catching fish late morning on the size 18 black zebra. Other good fly yesterday with the high water was the tan flashback scud.

Fly Fishing and Spin Fishing By Chartered Waters Guide Service and Fly Shop – Scott Daldrup joined me again for a gorgeous half day boating trip today. High in the low 70’s made it seem like a cool October day and that morning boat ride was down right chilly. He had another good one catching water conditions very similar to yesterdays trip. Scott is a fly rod guy through and through and he too was constantly hooked up today. It’s interesting to see ones progression as a fisherman and a student if you will. I showed Scott my flatlining technique last time he was here and he immediately took up where he left off last time, shooting out that deep heavy rig with ease. I was also very impressed with his decidedly improved reaction time on hooksets. I would say Scott was better than 50% on his hookup ratio, which is much better than average. While we didn’t catch any real big ones he managed a couple of 17 – 18 inch rainbows amongst his masses. We took some time to fish “small” today to some holding big fish in a little seam. We drifted little Bit Scuds and G-Bugs through that seam hooking two really nice fish before pulling one out and breaking one off. We caught a few there before we wore them out then decided to drift the bigger scuds deeper. There are a LOT of smaller fish out there right now and while we’re catching a ton of fish it’s hard getting through to the big boys sometimes. I know there has been a lot of stocking lately and these little guys are making their way up to the trophy area. There are quite a few bigger stockers up there too like 16 – 17″ fish as well. You can see the gradual transition from the cloudy gray, rounded fins look to the healthy, dark and rich colored river fish they become eating that staple of scuds and midges. Tomorrow Scott and I are going to try wading in the morning. We’re keeping our fingers crossed hoping for no water. With this extremely cool weather were having and Table Rock nearing the magic 915 foot level you would think they wouldn’t be generating but they have been so goofy lately I really have no idea. If we get washed out we’ll hit the boat and have a goo day doing that. Scott wants to learn the secret of a couple of my flies so we’re going to do a little tying after the trip. A busy day ahead as I’m doing a seminar in the afternoon and starting a bowling league with my wife Shelley in the evening. Nothing like kicking the day off right though with a little fishing.

Gary‘s Current Report: August 15- Went out at 0616 back by 0715. Fished spin float system with 128th Peach Jig with indicator set at 5′ and one BB split shot about 6-12″ above the jig to get it down and keep it down. One generator on and lake level at 704.3 Fished from Lookout Hole down in the middle. Caught 10 fish in less than an hour and missed as many more. Plenty of action and fun.

Guide Bob Klein: Bob Klein, the not pretty half of the former owners of Main Street Marina, Bob and Jackie Klein, is still guiding as “Bob’s Guide Service.” As of August 8, 2004 Bob reported that water flow has been consistent and that the best fishing from Branson to Rockaway Beach has been using orange and yellow power eggs drifted off the bottom. Small browns being caught below Fall Creek on nightcrawlers. As always the following standard default techniques are producing fish.

Water Off Conditions (not generating power from Table Rock Dam) – Air injected night crawlers or Orange and Chartreuse Power Eggs, with the Chartreuse on shank of hook and the Orange on tip. Fish them off the bottom with no heavier than 4 pound leader, size 8 or smaller hooks, and just enough split shot to cast. Place the shot so that the bait floats 12-18 inches off the bottom. Spin-A-Lures and Little Cleos have been working well.

Water On Conditions – Orange and Chartreuse Power eggs with the Chartreuse on shank of hook and the Orange on tip, white Power Eggs, or inflated night crawlers bounced off the bottom using the standard “Lake Taneycomo Drift Rig.” which is readily available at all Marinas and most resorts on the Lake.

Get Your Lake Taneycomo Questions Answered:Bob, Gary, Brett, and Stan will be monitoring the Outdoor Activities Forum on the Branson.Com Message Board . If you have any fishing questions on LakeTaneycomo just ask.Use the word “Taneycomo” in the Search Function and enter it in all your posts so they’ll show up.

About Gary Groman aka The Ole Seagull

Editor of The Branson Courier
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