Having just attended the Vietnam Vets Welcome home event I would like to extend a huge thank you to all who made the event possible however small or big a part they played in the event. The respect and hospitality shown to us by all we encountered in the Branson area was awesome.
I only wish that more Vietnam Vet’s could/would have attended. I think some may have had a misunderstanding of the event and did not attend due to that misunderstanding.
I believe the event did/will help to heal some of the wounds inflicted on some Vietnam Vet’s by a few ungrateful individuals over the years but there will always be ungrateful ones who never appreciate the fact that no matter where the battle is fought, FREEDOM IS NOT / NEVER WILL BE FREE.
I believe it is Cowardice in the ungrateful ones that makes them so un-appreciative of the ones who make the sacrifices that are needed to maintain a free society.
… Thank you again Branson Mo. Raymond,