Branson and “Christmas on the Trail” a perfect way to start the Christmas Season

I finally got to make it to Branson just before Thanksgiving and I really enjoyed it! In each of the five shows that I got to see, Christmas was being celebrated! It was so wonderful to celebrate the Savior’s birth before December, when things really get hectic. It was a perfect way to start the holiday season!

But to my surprise, it wasn’t the big name shows with the famous stars and spacious auditoriums, that I liked the best. My favorite show was in a huge tent and it was called “Christmas on the Trail” with the Trailhands. Moreover, it was a dinner show with wonderful chuck wagon food cooked in big ole pots like the cowboys used to do in the late 1800’s. We had delicious Trail Stew; Sparklin’ Taters; melt-in-your-mouth cornbread; and for dessert, tasty Campfire Cobbler! Yum, Yum!

Besides the great food, we enjoyed an outstanding show! The music of the Trailhands’ reminded me of “The Sons of the Pioneers”. We got to experience a Christmas night on the prarie where the cowboys were sitting on hay bales, around a “campfire” singing, talking, and playing instruments such as guitars, banjos, a mandolin, a harmonica, two fiddles and a bass. The songs we heard, the cowboy’s prayer, and the Christmas poetry took all of us back in time, so we could share in that experience.

To my delight, most all of the songs, cowboy poetry, and prayers centered on Jesus, the true reason for the season. For example, I never thought about using a single bright star on the prairie, to remind me of the star that led the wise men to little Jesus. I never thought about snow-capped peaks to remind me of the angels in their glory. I never thought that the angels could just as easily come to a bunch of cowboys to announce the birth of Jesus, if He had been born in the 19th century rather than the first century. To me, Christmas on the Trail, sure put a new perspective on Christmas!

As one of the cowboys explained, the cowboy’s sanctuary was the sky. His choir was the lowing of the cattle, the sound of a whippoorwill, the coyotes, and the crickets. The places where the cowboy worshipped were made by the Lord Himself.

Then, there was the cowboy whose prayer touched me deeply. He didn’t get any gifts for Christmas. To him, a gift was a clear day with no wind and he was thankful for that! But most of all, he was thankful for the gift of God’s Son who was sent “on that Christmas morn, laid in a horse stall, wrapped in borrowed clothes.” God’s Son was such a wonderful gift of love, so that we might live!

Their next to last song was a Christmas prayer and blessing for the audience. Here are some of the words:

May Santa fill your stockings

And Jesus fill your hearts

With peace and joy, this season

And when the New Year starts.

May friends and family gather

To celebrate His birth

With songs of praise and glory

And prayers for peace on earth.

His grace and love will keep us

If we’ll only believe

So trust in Him throughout the year

As well as Christmas Eve.

After the show, my brother and I stayed behind to buy some CD’s and visit with one of the trail hands. I don’t remember his name, but he said that he was “living a dream” and I couldn’t agree with him more! I sure enjoyed being there to live it with him!

Written by:Linda Woodrow, Okalahoma City

Editors Note: This Letter to the Editor is being published as a Guest Writer piece in the Entertainment Section rather than the Letter to the Editor because it is an excellent review of a show that might be of interest to others coming to Branson. It should be noted that the “Christmas on the Trail” show is located at The Shepherd of the Hills,5586 West Highway 76 and it also includes a a journey through The Trail of Lights after the show. In the Ole Seagull’s opinion this is the best drive through animated Christmas Light display in the Branson Area.

Gary J. Groman a.k.a. The Ole Seagull

Editor and Publisher

For on line information about this and other shows or to purchase tickets or lodging on line click here or call 800-590-0155.

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