The official CDs of the Nov. 27 meeting of the city of Branson’s board of aldermen indicate that city attorney Paul Link, in referring to the “musings” appearing in the “free press,” said, “Contrary to these musings, it is the city administrator’s and city attorney’s legal duty to advise the board of aldermen that their decorum rules are not being followed.” If there is, the Branson Municipal Code manages to hide that fact well. There is no such provision contained anywhere in Section 2-54, governing the conduct of aldermen meetings, or in the sections of the code that specifically set forth the duties of the city attorney and city administrator.
But, even if there was such authority, at what point do the actions of Link, and the city of Branson’s administrator, Terry Dody, go beyond advising the board of aldermen about their decorum rules and become a violation of those very same rules? Could the following excerpts of the Oct. 23 meeting, while Pam Dapprich is trying to speak, indicate such a point? Each comment was transcribed from the CD by the Ole Seagull as best he could and is followed by the “Ole Seagull’s Thoughts,” his initial reflections and opinions, as he listened to the CDs for the first time.
Link Interupting Dapprich: “Mr. Mayor, I’m, I’ve let this go for quite a while but I’m going to have to call some sort of decorum ruling on this. I’ve, it has repeatedly been said that I am lying and misrepresenting.” Ole Seagull’s Thoughts: What section of the Branson Municipal Code gives you the authority to “call some sort of decorum ruling?” And if there is one, exactly what decorum rule is she allegedly in violation of? Isn’t your signature on the Sep. 15 letter to Dapprich that she read from?
Dapprich: “Don’t take my ten minutes….” and tries to continue but
Link Again Interrupts: “Mam, I’m not taking your ten minutes but we’re not going to listen to this anymore.” Ole Seagull’s Thoughts: Where is the “we” here? Where in section 2-54 of the Branson Municipal Code does it say that either the city attorney or administrator will decide what the board of aldermen will or will not listen to?
Dapprich: Tries to continue on but …
Terry Dody Interrupts: “Mr. Mayor some kind of action does need to be taken she’s in violation of decorum rules, in violation of the ordinance.” Ole Seagull’s Thoughts: Oh really, and exactly what decorum rule is she in violation of? At this point all that has happened is that Link has mumbled something about having to call some sort of decorum ruling. Even assuming that he has the authority to do so, what ruling has he made that anyone could be in violation of?
Dapprich: Tries to continue on but …
Dody again interrupts: “She needs to be called out of order, I’m sorry.” Ole Seagull’s Thoughts: Why does she need to be called out of order? What exactly has she done? Why is the mayor letting this guy continue to interrupt the meeting? Someone should put him in his place.
Mayor: “You are out of order. What is the time.) (Clerk gives time as 6:30) Ole Seagull’s Thoughts: Who is out of order and for what?
Dapprich: Tries to continue on but …
Dody again interrupts: “Mr. Mayor is she out of order. Mr. Mayor is she out of order or is she not out of order you must make a decision on this.” Seagull’s Thoughts: Why is he browbeating the mayor like this? What could she possibly be out of order on? She can’t get a word in edgewise with you interrupting! When is the mayor going to tell him to cease and desist?
Dapprich: Tries to continue on but …
Dody again interrupts: Mr. Mayor let it be placed on the record then that the board is taking no action in violation of our city ordinance. You need to be aware that she has violated the ordinance and you are taking no action.” Ole Seagull’s Thoughts: The class of this act speaks for itself! And, putting the board on the record as possibly violating the city of Branson’s ordinances accomplishes what good purpose? Besides, how is the board in violation of a city ordinance by ignoring the advice given in this case?
Dapprich: Tries to continue on but …
Dody again interrupts: “Mr Mayor, I do need to state, you are setting a precedent that if you do not take action you will not be able to further enforce your ordinances any more, I’m sorry.” Ole Seagull’s Thoughts: In terms of his actions at this meeting, a lot of people sure would agree with the last part of his statement. Based on her presentation, the Branson Municipal Code, and facts involved with this specific situation, Dapprich was, at that point, in violation of what ordinance? How? Exactly why won’t the mayor be able to enforce his ordinances anymore?
At that point the mayor asked Dapprich to please stop talking, she did and the meeting proceeded on. “But Seagull, it appears that there was no decorum issue until Link and Dody made one.” Could a reasonable person actually get that impression?