Good Taneycomo Fly Patterns To Start With

Good Patterns to Start With-“Current favorites” aside, River Run Outfitters suggests that the following will generally work as a starting point:


Black Bead Head Wooly Bugger, in size 6-10 (weighted).


Tungsten Bead Head Midge, Size 16 in either Red or Black

Chamois Leech size 12. Deaddrift it either under an indicator just off the bottom, or straight line with a size 6 or 8 split shot about 10 inches above the Leech.

Olive Wooly Buggers size 10 or 12.

Gray/Olive & Tan Flashback Scuds size 14/16

San Juan Worms, both the small red and the natural brown.

Peach colored Egg Pattern (Glo-Ball) fished below an indicator.

White or Black Grub (Thread Jig,) 1/100th oz, fish dead drifted under an indicator.

Copper L’il Easy, size 18

About Gary Groman aka The Ole Seagull

Editor of The Branson Courier
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