Two different items on the Agenda for the rescheduled Sep. 13 meeting of the Branson Board of Aldermen may lead to relieving some of the parking concerns of the businesses in historic down town Branson. One is the finalization of the Parking Garage Management Agreement between the city of Branson and Hilton Hotels Corporation. The other is a resolution by the city making 110 monthly passes available to downtown businesses and designating other areas in historic downtown Branson as free parking on a first come first serve basis.
The Consent Agenda contains the final reading and approval of the Parking Garage Management Agreement between the city of Branson and Hilton Hotels Corporation. At its August 27 meeting, the board, after extensive discussion on the agreement, voted to amend Section 3 of Article 5 of the Agreement to eliminate the restriction that only 20 monthly passes could be issued. The Parking Garage Agreement is on the Consent Agenda and will be approved without further public comment unless removed at the request of an Alderman or citizen before the Consent Agenda is voted on.
In a separate item on the Regular Agenda, the board will consider a Resolution stating that the City intends that the top level of the Reish Garage and the spaces in the parking lot commonly known as the “Awbery Lot, at the southwest corner of Atlantic and Commercial Streets,” shall remain free and open on a first come first-served basis. The resolution also provides for at least 110 monthly parking passes for parking in the city’s new Pacific Street Garage.
The monthly parking passes will be available to businesses and employees in the Downtown area and other potential purchasers on a first come, first served basis. The fees and charges for the monthly parking will be governed by the “Governing Documents” and will initially be $25 per month.
The Resolution goes on to state that the city recognizes that “continued evaluation of parking usage in the Downtown area will be necessary to assess potential future alterations in parking arrangements to insure the highest level of service to the citizens of, and visitors to, the City.” The Resolution reserves the right of the city to make what ever changes it deems necessary in the future subject to, among other things the Governing Documents. The Parking Garage Management Agreement between the city of Branson and Hilton Hotels Corporation is listed as one of the Governing Documents.