City of Branson prepared for “Blitz” Friday Shopping

“Thanksgiving Traffic Solution” is a plan where Branson police and public works departments team up to move motorists more efficiently around the city on Friday, November 23 and Saturday, November 24.

This is the 11th year for the Thanksgiving Traffic Solution that involves extra police officers at the 11 busiest intersections directing traffic, and public works employees wearing orange vests located around the city to distribute city maps, provide directions to visitors and answer questions.

Police Chief Caroll McCullough says his officers will be working 10-hour shifts both days.
“There will be 28 officers dedicated solely to directing traffic, and those policemen will be on duty 10 a.m. until the traffic subsides,” McCullough said. “Assigning personnel in this manner gives us time to prepare for the day and be at our posts by 10:30 a.m. These hours also give us the ability to have officers in place to help with the evening show traffic. If we see the need to keep officers longer at any location, we’re prepared to do so. ”

Intersections in the city where officers will be stationed are:

West Main and 7th St. West Main and Michel St.
West Main and Roark Valley Rd Highway 76 and Highway 165
Highway 76 and Shepherd of the Hills Exp Green Mountain Drive and Highway 165
Roark Valley Rd and Gretna Rd Gretna Rd and Wildwood Dr
Gretna Rd and Rosalee St Business 65 and West Main
East Main & Branson Landing Boulevard
The nine public works employees are scheduled Friday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., or as the volume of traffic dictates each day, according to Larry VanGilder, director of public works.
VanGilder said visitors must be aware that due to ongoing road construction projects, Forsyth Road will remain closed and will not be open for any traffic. Also, Fall Creek Road at Highway 76 will remain under a construction status with no left turns allowed from 76 onto Fall Creek.

With new roads built during the past 16 years, streets other than Highway 76 can access every shopping area in Branson.

Three large outlets malls, a thriving downtown district, Branson Landing, and specialty stores throughout the city have combined to make Branson a major retail-shopping destination along with the music shows and theme parks.

“The holidays are a wonderful time of year to visit Branson,” said Jerry Adams, Branson’s public information director. “We encourage families to come and not only shop, but also experience our spectacular holiday lighting displays, dine in our fine restaurants, and enjoy wonderful Christmas shows at our theaters.”

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