Downtown Branson show owner disputes police claims

There’s a good chance that those attending one of the shows starring Dave “Elvis” Ehlert at the historic Owens Theatre in downtown Branson might hear the Elvis hit “Don’t Be Cruel” during the performance, but, according to Ehlert, in spite of recent comments to the contrary, one thing that they will not be hearing during the show is anything that can even remotely be construed to relate to be a sales gimmick or spiel for time share or vacation club sales. The comments surfaced at a May 6 work session meeting of the Branson Board of Aldermen, during a discussion of a proposed ordinance change designed to control the solicitation of tourists on the public sidewalks of downtown Branson by vacation clubs and time share sales personnel.

Branson Police Sergeant Sean Barnwell was in attendance at the meeting to provide information on the issue to the board. He told the board that that the issue of the solicitation of tourists on the public sidewalks of downtown Branson by vacation clubs and time share sales personnel has been a concern since the fall of 2006. He also pointed out that investigative efforts thus far have revealed no substantive violations of current BMC ordinances relating to solicitation.

During further discussion, Alderwoman Chris Bohinc asked if the people being solicited actually got free tickets without having to go to a vacation club or time share presentation or open house. Sergeant Barnwell stated, “There is only one show that I am aware of that they give actually free tickets to and that’s the Owens Theatre downtown. I haven’t been to it but it’s my understanding that there’s a sales gimmick involved in the show so you’ll either hear the spiel going somewhere else or during the show.”

During an interview on May 14, when Ehlert was asked if Barnwell’s statement was true, Ehlert said, “It was not true” and “has nothing to do with reality.” He went on to state that as far as he knows he has never met Barnwell or seen him set foot in his theatre. He went on to express his opinion that Barnwell’s use of the phrase “It’s my understanding” is basically a copout to enable him to say whatever he wants.

Ehlert said that although he rents out space to “some people who do the vacation club solicitations” that the theatre has many rules in place to separate that operation from the theatres operation. One of those rules is that they may not solicit the theatres customers inside the theatre. When asked if there was any mention of time share or vacation clubs during the show Ehlert responded, “Absolutely none, for 14 years none.”

When contacted about the basis for Sergeant Barnwell’s comments, Police Chief Caroll W. McCullough said that he had spoken with Barnwell and that he [Barnwell] stands by the statements he made during the work session. He reiterated that while looking into complaints of sales solicitation on city sidewalks, Sergeant Barnwell was told more than once, that people were being given tickets to the afternoon show at the Owen’s Theatre and that during the show a sales presentation was made.

Chief McCullough said that they make no claims as to the accuracy of the statements made to Sergeant Barnwell and that he was simply providing information to the council to assist them in going forward with this difficult issue. He said, “In no way was it our intention to defame the owner/manager of the Owen’s Theatre or to malign the shows they have there.”

Furnished Courtesy of the Branson Daily Independent.

About Gary Groman aka The Ole Seagull

Editor of The Branson Courier
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