‘Oh Tommy O’ — Something Different

I was having lunch at Beverly’s one day with Tommy O and asked him about his name. I had never heard of a family that had a one-letter surname. He explained that O was just the beginning of his last name and when he told me what his name was, I knew there was no end after the beginning. I also knew that the average person would never be able to tackle such a long name successfully. If the man had not shortened it, he would have been spending a lot of quality time simply signing his autograph on photos.

Tommy O is not your average Branson performer. Let me qualify that by saying he is not your average Branson singer by a long shot. Tommy O performs in a tuxedo and, in the words of Damon Runyon, the great writer, is a very high-class act.

Tommy O is in a class all by himself in this town. He sings songs that you would most likely hear in a symphony with a thousand strings backing him. However, due to economics, especially in Branson, he has to use pre-recorded tracks as his musical background. He has a phenomenal voice that Luciano Pavarotti once recognized by giving Tommy a neck scarf after one of Tommy’s performances that Pavarotti was attending. That operatic doctrine is tantamount to one performer appreciating another with such gusto that he or she would give the other performer his or her highest award, or, as in this case, his or her neck scarf in appreciation of his or her performance. It is another way of saying “Bravo, job well done.”

While writing this article I listened to Pavarotti and can hear really no discernable difference between his singing and Tommy O’s arias. Tommy O is certainly a high-class act. Trust me on that one.

On the other hand, offstage Tommy O is just a regular guy, well sort-of. I saw him downtown one day letting a dog take him for a walk. Tommy is full of fun and there is always a glint of mischief in his eye.

Lets go back to Damon Runyon for a minute. Damon said one time that you can become a winner only if you are willing to walk over the edge. Tommy O is bringing a different sort of music to Branson. He is definitely walking the edge. In larger cities, his type of music is greatly appreciated, but here in Branson he has a lot of competition with Country, Western and pop music.

I personally feel that too few people are attuned to music that can be appreciated just for itself and the drama it represents as in the case of classical or serious music. I will not even go into the art of orchestral overtures, interludes, choral works, established forms, critical interest and developed musical taste.

Yet, Tommy O does have a following. Granted, a small following, but growing a bit each time he performs. Tommy O is definitely an acquired taste that is growing in the ranks and file of the Branson show-goer.

Tommy O is definitely different and different is good. Change is good for us because it lets us know there are other things, mores and ways in the world than what we may have been accustomed. We might even want to try something new just to see how it fits. Tommy O’s music genre may suit you to a tee, but you won’t know until you try it. There may be an entirely different world of musical enjoyment awaiting you.

Tommy O performs at the Grand Palace and also has a free morning worship service at the Branson Music Mall Theater.

For show times, reservations or information call the Grand Palace at 417-336-1220 or the Branson Mall Music Theater at 417-339-3939.

Courtesy of Branson Daily Independent

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