Young performers head to Branson for 2005 America Kids Regional Competition

It’s Branson-bound for the American Kids members who are traveling from across the region to compete in the 2005 American Kids Inc. Regional event to be held at Hamner-Barber Theatre Monday May 30 starting at 10:30. Competition for the non-profit group known as the nation’s only little league of entertainers is open to the public with Singing, Dancing, Magic, Drama, and Instruments.

The event will culminate with an awards ceremony at 6 p.m. where Dr. Dale Smith, the non-profit group’s founder, will present awards. “It takes a large number of volunteers to make an event happen. We’ve had many volunteers over the past 22 years who help promote drug-free lifestyles, patriotism and community service with American Kids Inc. Our volunteers are the reason American Kids has grown to be in 27 states,” Dr. Dale said.

The judges, representing agencies, television, the recording industry, casting companies and more, will select the winners in a variety of age and talent categories.

Young people, ages 3 to high school seniors, join American Kids just like adults join a civic club. In the program, they find a peer group all involved in making a difference in the world by using the performing arts as the vehicle. Performing opportunities include shows which range from fairs, festivals and theme parks on a national and international scale.

“We at American Kids promise exposure, growth, character development and opportunity. Because of the experience gained from being on stage, our members are better prepared for whatever they choose to do in life,” said Dr. Dale. “Fame and fortune are not promised, but personal development is.”

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