Are Branson’s entertainment values slipping?

We have been coming to Branson for the past 15 years. Until this year, we always admired and appreciated the way in which Branson’s entertainment held itself to a high moral standard. We were disappointed to see Vegas influence more and more in the shows. The girls dance routines as well as their costumes had changed quite a bit. The Darren Romeo show in particular was in very poor taste for Branson’s standards. I felt sorry for the parents who brought their children expecting something more child-friendly and found nothing of the sort. Our question is: Is there a watchdog group in place for all the new entertainment? We who come here are expecting shows to “wow” the young and the young at heart. If we wanted Vegas entertainment we’d go to Vegas! Please don’t allow the almighty dollar to dictate your decisions to license flash, trash and sensationalism. Please don’t loose your commitment to provide a safe, moral environment for visitors of all ages. We also noticed a liquor store! What’s up with that! Jerry, Plymouth, WI

Editors note: The editior wrote a review of the the Darren Romeo show on June 3. He wrote, “Siegfried & Roy’s association with Las Vegas could create concerns in the minds of some as to the shows fit in Branson. Relax, it fits just fine and adds another unique and magical show choice to the Branson entertainment experience. The Ole Seagull has six young grandchildren and saw nothing in the show in terms of costumes or content that would cause him concern. During the intermission and after the show the Ole Seagull talked with three different families, at random, who had children with them. Their comments would echo the comments of the McCracken’s, “It was great and we’d see it again.”

Click here to see the full review.

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