Only in Branson – Brett Daniels and Kirby VanBurch together in a one of a kind magic show

Syncor Entertainment, Inc. and The Grand Palace are proud to present an unprecedented event in Branson, MO. Brett Daniels star of Magic & Beyond at The Grand Palace and Kirby VanBurch from the Kirby VanBurch Theatre have joined forces and will be performing a new combined magic spectacular at The Grand Palace beginning May 3rd thru Labor Day Weekend. This first-time super-magic collaboration of two of the world’s largest magic shows is guaranteed to be the biggest magic production show to ever hit Branson, MO. The Grand Palace stage is the only stage in Branson, MO to house a show of this magnitude.

The multi-million dollar spectacular was developed and produced by Rob and Scott Hall of Syncor Entertainment. This extravagant, high-energy magical production show will combine the best of the large-scale illusions, dynamic theatrics, precision dancers of both magicians’ shows with the award-winning, world-class sleight-of-hand of Brett Daniels with Kirby VanBurch, his wife Bambi and his exotic animal family that includes a Royal White Tiger.

Both magicians have been friends since they were teenagers and have admired each others’ success over the years and both have similar backgrounds which make them a perfect match. Both have performed the world over, starred in numerous network television specials, headlined in Las Vegas, shared the title “International Magician of the Year,” made aircrafts magically appear and disappear and they both even drive corvettes!

“Brett and I have been friends since we first met,” said Kirby. “He is very, very good, the best. I love his show and I am excited to be on the same stage with him but to be honest, I am going to be even more excited to see the look on the faces of the audience when they see the show we are preparing for them.”

“My friend Kirby was the first magician to come to Branson,” said Brett Daniels. “He has paved the way for illusionists here in Branson and I look forward to working with this great entertainer and good friend.”

For further information or to purchase tickets on line click here or call 800-590-0155.

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