Lake Taneycomo Fishing Report June 1, 2005

Editors General Comments: The fishing is phenominal!! The water is off for large segments of the day . Jun 1– 0445 Zero generators on, Taneycomo is at 701.3 and Table Rock is at 913.3 The water has been off most of the day until the mid to late p.m. hours..

Very little affects the fishing on Lake Taneycomo like the generation of power at the Table Rock Dam. Call 417-336-5083 for up to the moment information on generation and lake levels orclick here.

Trophy Trout Area: Special Regulations apply to the Trophy Trout Area running from Table Rock Dam to the mouth of Fall Creek. Click here for an overview of these regulations.

Gary’s CommentsMay 30May 30 – Fished the last four days with simply fabulous results. On May 26 with with Pastor Dennis Webb from about 0615 to 0830. For the most part we used 7 ½ foot ultra Light spinning rods. The terminal end has a 6 foot leader made up of 2 feet of Orvis Mirage 5x tippet and 4 feet of the same tippet in 6x. The indicator is pegged into the 5x and adjusted as needed for depth. The typical depth we fish is about 4 to 4 ½ feet.

Dennis used the River Run Peach Furbug, from Gary’s Big Four, the whole time. At a minimum, he caught 30 fish. It seemed as if he had a fish on all the time mainly because he did. He caught a 17 ¾ inch Brown and at least five more in the 15 to 17 inch class. I used the 100th ounce Olive Bassnapper Jig and size 16 Red Tungsten Bead Head Midge, from Garys Big Four, and a micro Pink San Juan Worm as the water rose. I caught about 20 fish, most on the Olive Bassnapper, a few on a fly rod with the Midge, 2 on the San Juan. Just to experiment I tied on the River Run Peach Furbug for my last cast. Bam, ended the day with a 14 inch rainbow.

Over the weekend I fished with my neighbor Howard Couch and my good friend Bob Walden. The average catch for two people for a three hours fishing trip was probably 45-50 fish with about 15-20% in the 15 inch plus category. Had the best luck with the 100th ounce White Thread Jig and River Run Peach Furbug, from Gary’s Big Four. Howard had grat luck with the Olive Bassnapper too. The terminal end of my line is Orvis Mirage 6x tippet with the indicator set to about 4 to 4 ½ feet. I was fishing between Fall Creek and Point Lookout Hole in the Trophy Area.

Fly Fishing Only by River Run Outfitters May 31Fishing is still good. However, we have seen a lull in the morning from 8:00 to about 10:30 a.m. Had two boats out today and we picked up a few fish in the a.m., on various flies, U.V. gray scud, gold ribbed soft hackle and olive midge, but about 10:30 a.m. they took off on the olive zebra midge and tan flashback scud (miracle scud) My trip of two people caught 20 fish plus on these until lunch time. Had to drag them off the water for lunch! After lunch te stayed with the olive zebra midge and caught more fish as we drifted down the river. Wind was tough, so we rowed on down to the Lookout Point. God out and waded. Had the Olive zebra midge on one person and put a Chartreuse crackle back on the other. The olive zebra midge caught several fish, including a nice 16 inch Rainbow. The crackle back got hot and that person first started catching fish in the cross-current drift. After a while, the fish switched and started taking the crackle back more down stream with a couple of strips and let set. They caught 30 or more fish this way. New coule, juet finished the two-day fly fishing school. Think they were able to learn several different presentation techniques and catch fish. They had a great time!

Fly Fishing and Spin Fishing By Chartered Waters Guide Service and Fly Shop .-

May 28The water has been high for “no water” running lately staying at about 702+ most all day with a very slow drop-off late in the day. Some subtle changes in depth and weight is all that is needed to compensate for solid action. Flies today were varied as I tried many different patterns and colors looking for the best combos. #20 X-Gray Bit Scud was probably tops followed by B-52’s in color versions #1 and #2. Ginger G-Bug…always solid as were olive versions. Dark olive and black #20 Bit Scuds were good in spots but not so good in others. Tan and rust Bit Scuds stayed consistently good as well. Virtually no midging is happening during this prolonged stay of water off conditions. I see very little midge hatches and hardly any surface activity by the fish. We tried some Smidges today and caught a few but nothing really, and didn’t try it too long. I see a lot of people swinging soft hackles out there but not doing much hooking. While you’ll always catch some fish I don’t even bother with soft hackles until I see a lot of surface activity from midging trout. Stick with the scuds and sow bugs during that time. If you just like to swing soft hackles then swing some scuds via old school nymphing (no indicators) for the same kind of fishing with more and bigger hookups..

Guide Bob Klein of “Bob’s Guide Service” – May 31– Reported no change from last report. Fishing is fishing good to excellent. From Fall Creek to Short Creek use night crawlers and minnows. From Short Creek to Branson drift bubblegum and white power bait or night crawlers. From Branson to Rockaway Beach drift bubblegum power bait. As always, the following standard default techniques are producing fish:

Water Off Conditions (not generating power from Table Rock Dam) – Air injected night crawlers or Orange and Chartreuse Power Eggs, with the Chartreuse on shank of hook and the Orange on tip. Fish them off the bottom with no heavier than 4 pound leader, size 8 or smaller hooks, and just enough split shot to cast. Place the shot so that the bait floats 12-18 inches off the bottom. Spin-A-Lures and Little Cleos have been working well.

Water On Conditions – Orange and Chartreuse Power eggs with the Chartreuse on shank of hook and the Orange on tip, white Power Eggs, bubble gum power bait, or inflated night crawlers bounced off the bottom using the standard “Lake Taneycomo Drift Rig.” which is readily available at all Marinas and most resorts on the Lake.

An excellent place to get your Lake Taneycomo Questions answered, or any question relating to the fishing and other outdoor topics in the Branson area, is the “Branson Outdoors Activities Forum” which is monitored by your editor and other local outdoor enthusiasts.

About Gary Groman aka The Ole Seagull

Editor of The Branson Courier
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