Can the “New Branson” ever be Branson?

I was reading the letter that was written to you about the drastic change in Branson in the past few years. I agree totally!!!! It seems to me that the "little guy" is not welcome there anymore. We have been coming to Branson for 15 years. It was appealing to us because of the tremendous history and "hillbilly" atmosphere. Now it seems that it is appealing more to those other than the "average Joe". What really was heartbreaking for us is what happened 2 years ago. We watched as the downtown lake front and city park was demolished only to bring in corporate America stores that DO NOT say Branson. What happened? We miss Branson. When it comes to choosing the almighty dollar over history, (which is what Branson was about, then I have to say "What a shame." Branson may prosper in the "new way", but it will never be Branson again? Ken, Greenville, MS

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