Branson School district to ask voters for first levy increase in over 20 years

Although there have been bond issues approved by voters over the years, it has been more than 20 years since the Branson School District has asked for an increase in the operating levy. The approval of bond issues were necessary to construct new school buildings needed to serve the rapidly growing student population in recent years.

The school district will ask voters to approve a 45-cent tax levy increase on the April 3 ballot. Superintendent Dr. Doug Hayter reported Tuesday night that the increase will allow the district to hire at least nine new teachers and 14 support staff members. “We can compete with other schools in attracting staff,” said Hayter. “We also have an increase in fuel costs.”

The recommended increase is also needed because of the district’s reliance on property taxes, some of which are affected by TIF (tax increment financing) districts in the Branson area. “We have the lowest school levy in the conference, as well as in either Stone or Taney counties,” Hayter said. “We will still be one of the lowest schools in the area with the increase.” The district is a member of the Central Ozarks Conference.

The current tax levy is $2.75 for operating costs, and $.70 for debt service [$3.45]. The [$.45] increase will bring the total tax levy to $3.90 per $100 of assessed value. Board member Mike Booth said, “From a common sense standpoint, this is something we need to do. If we take care of our people, they’ll take care of our kids.”

For homeowners, the increase will mean an increase of about $85.50 per year on property assessed at $100,000, or a little more than $7 per month. Chairman of the finance committee, board member Dr.Rick Tallon, commented, “Commercial growth in the area
doesn’t reflect financially on the school district.”

In another election issue, the terms of Tallon and Booth are both set to expire. Both men filed for re-election, but there was no opposition candidate, so according to state statute, the men will continue as school board members.

Furnished courtesy of the Branson Daily Independent.

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